The post described the rental as: "Dripping with ingenuity and alt-lifestyle aura lays the Snopocalypse of 2016's most desirable getaway. Hand-crafted, and built using only natural elements - we're offering the experience of a life time in this chic dome-style bungalow for you and bae."
It looks like they threw a couple blankets and plastic bagged pillows in there for good measure. Fancy, no? Especially at $200 / night!
Structural integrity aside, it does look pretty cozy inside. And they have lights!
The fresh powder on the dome's peak really sells the whole experience. As does the tiny pine tree hugging the exterior. Your own slice of Alaska in a Brooklyn backyard.
If your dream was to lodge at a site that was almost certainly added to Airbnb in jest, you're already too late. The company didn't take long before removing the listing.
Airbnb sent an appreciative and chipper take down notice to the builder: "We are happy to see that you guys are staying busy and having fun during Blizpocalypse. Unfortunately, your igloo, while very well constructed, has failed to meet our occupancy standards and has been removed from search results. Be sure to pick a place with running water, electricity, and a roof that doesn't melt."
Too bad...this could have been the most desired rental of 2016!